
Burton's Wonderland

Colleen Atwood 是Alice in Wonderland的劇服設計師, 她的作品包括Tim Burton 的 Edward Scissorhands 與Sleepy Hollow; 還得過兩座奧斯卡最佳劇服設計獎(Chicago和Memoirs of a Geisha)!!

Tim Burton在一段訪談中說到Johnny Depp創造Mad Hatter角色前, 花了許多心思在造型選擇上"He's the type of actor that a lot of the character comes from the look of the outfit," he said. "It helps him really create and get into who the character is." 完整訪談在此~~


Vivienne Westwood@Janathan Ross 07/12/09

從不看電視的Vivienne Westwood為何自己要求上Jahathan Ross的電視訪談呢? 原來是為了讓更多的人了解全球暖化的議題。 近年來看到Westwood從聲援人權運動、抨擊反恐法、發表反對Propaganda的宣言等等,高齡並沒有影響她的熱情與行動力。 在這最新的訪談之中,她呼籲人們減少無謂的消費。 從服裝到文化與生活,應要重新審思、建立新的價值觀。她說:

Buy less, and choose well. Don't buy things for the sake of it, 'cause everyone will just look alike.

Human race, is it going to survive? I mean, we should get passionate about that.

Understand the world you are living. But you need to go deep, if your don't have depth, you don't understand the world you are living.



Men's Fashion Week: Ash Stymest


2010米蘭與巴黎的男裝週剛剛落幕,感謝有TFS,幕後記錄比前台有趣的多。花招百出的耍寶冠軍就是Ash, 台上台下判若兩人....看出他都在忙些什麼了吧。