Space: A Journey Of Discovery是本非常有趣的書。 不可思議的外太空美景令人心矌神怡。 還有許多從外太空觀察地球環境的珍貴影像,顏色圖案之豐富多變,幾乎是ㄧ本色彩學的經典。 戴上隨書附送的3D眼鏡,翻閱ㄧ頁頁的神奇,所有煩惱都會散去,屢試不爽。
In the Trifid Nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius, some 5,000 light years away, we can marvel at the birth of stars. The remains of exploded suns are compressed through force of attraction, even when this is quite weak, until a new generation of stars forms from the clouds of gas and dust and a further cycle begins. It was this process which first gave rise to the heavy chemical elements in the universe such as iron, which ultimately served as the building blocks of life. Therefore, we all carry atoms in us that were once formed within stars before being expelled into space. Thus, in a sense, humans can literally be described as "children of the stars".
In the Trifid Nebula in the constellation of Sagittarius, some 5,000 light years away, we can marvel at the birth of stars. The remains of exploded suns are compressed through force of attraction, even when this is quite weak, until a new generation of stars forms from the clouds of gas and dust and a further cycle begins. It was this process which first gave rise to the heavy chemical elements in the universe such as iron, which ultimately served as the building blocks of life. Therefore, we all carry atoms in us that were once formed within stars before being expelled into space. Thus, in a sense, humans can literally be described as "children of the stars".