1996年我第ㄧ次在紐約看Suede。 那時的他穿著緊身黑衣褲、雙眼煙薰、手持漆皮鈴鼓, 凜冽的眼神與妖嬈的歌聲輕易擄獲了我的崇拜。
2008年末, 舞台上只剩寂寞的鋼琴、大提琴與木吉他。 Brett Anderson 幾乎是以長篇告解的方式吟唱著生命滄桑。 花草樹木、人情冷暖, 沒什麼是恆久遠的; 我默默的對自己說。 然後, ㄧ首首Suede老歌丟了出來, 他沒讓懷舊的人失望。 此起彼落的大合唱故然溫暖, 但我們都知道; 就算記憶再清晰, 都不可能回到過去了。
1996年我第ㄧ次在紐約看Suede。 那時的他穿著緊身黑衣褲、雙眼煙薰、手持漆皮鈴鼓, 凜冽的眼神與妖嬈的歌聲輕易擄獲了我的崇拜。
2008年末, 舞台上只剩寂寞的鋼琴、大提琴與木吉他。 Brett Anderson 幾乎是以長篇告解的方式吟唱著生命滄桑。 花草樹木、人情冷暖, 沒什麼是恆久遠的; 我默默的對自己說。 然後, ㄧ首首Suede老歌丟了出來, 他沒讓懷舊的人失望。 此起彼落的大合唱故然溫暖, 但我們都知道; 就算記憶再清晰, 都不可能回到過去了。
Maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear,
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair,
Maybe it's our kookiness,
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns,
Our nothing places and our cellophane sounds,
Maybe it's our looseness,
But we're trash, you and me,
We're the litter on the breeze,
We're the lovers on the streets,
Just trash, me and you,
It's in everything we do,
It's in everything we do...
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair,
Maybe it's our kookiness,
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns,
Our nothing places and our cellophane sounds,
Maybe it's our looseness,
But we're trash, you and me,
We're the litter on the breeze,
We're the lovers on the streets,
Just trash, me and you,
It's in everything we do,
It's in everything we do...
4 則留言:
How your life shines.
Going to concert is such fun,
i love your blog.
Thanks, I tried:)
Each concert holds special meaning in my life. Great fun indeed!
是呀! 我們都回不去了呢...but, even if everything will flow, he won't
that's right:)