在默片與老照片中, 有著拉長媚眼與山形唇峰的flapper , 髮型卻短薄的像個男孩。 她們總是穿著鑲滿了繡珠或流蘇的直腰洋裝, 或搭配圓軟帽與mary jane, 整晚在煙霧瀰漫的爵士酒吧跳舞作樂。 那年代的女人們初次掙脫傳統(與馬甲)的約束; 嘗試獨立自主, 開車、創作、與不同的戀人跳舞。 當然, 這短暫的自由享樂沒能久撐, Great Depression就讓歷史翻頁了。
20年代著名女星, 像是Louise Brooks或是Clara Bow的作品怕是難覓得。 不妨溫習The Great Gatsby、Henry & June, 或是The Conformist; 無論是影片本身還是服裝造型都值得回味再三。
從18歲就開始收集的vintage flapper dress, 和art deco造型飾品封箱了許久, 是該拿出來晒晒太陽了。
2 則留言:
Mysterious 20's
i love it indeed!!
i have to introduce you a recent retro-film,
i just watched last week,
it was so great....
it calls "Changeling", starring " Angelina Jolie",
you really have to watch this movie,
not even the story is good, the cloths inside are fantastic!!
vive le 20's
wish from paris
always miss you
i knew you'd love the 20's,
cause ur style sometimes remind me of those flapper girls:)
i've been waiting for that film to come out, it's definitely a must-see!!
keep well、keep kicking
luv luv