
Burton's Wonderland

Colleen Atwood 是Alice in Wonderland的劇服設計師, 她的作品包括Tim Burton 的 Edward Scissorhands 與Sleepy Hollow; 還得過兩座奧斯卡最佳劇服設計獎(Chicago和Memoirs of a Geisha)!!

Tim Burton在一段訪談中說到Johnny Depp創造Mad Hatter角色前, 花了許多心思在造型選擇上"He's the type of actor that a lot of the character comes from the look of the outfit," he said. "It helps him really create and get into who the character is." 完整訪談在此~~

2 則留言:

luyi 提到...

the dress u designed for andrea is damn cool!!

i heart it.

Ann Chang 提到...

Thank you:))
I always have tons of ideas bursting out when it comes to designing for Andrea! I know I can try anything on her and she'll transform it with amazing performances!