

My heart is screaming!!!! 9 must see reasons?!

1. 閃****到讓我睜不開眼的女明星集團

2. I am a sucker for musicals!

3. To witness Nicole and Penélope sharing the same stage for once...instead of the same ex.

4. Anthony Minghella生前最後的編劇作品.

5. I'll be my annual costumes investigation fun.

6. Marion Cotillard looks unbelievable in the trailer; her expression tansports me through time.

7. The resurrection of Fellini sounds dreamy~

8. Waiting for Kate Hudson and Fergie to prove me wrong:)

9. Hoping for a breakthrough after Chicago and Memoirs of a Geisha!!

2 則留言:

Andrea 提到...


Ann Chang 提到...

下半年的影片從Inglourious Basterds, Public Enemies到Nine全是大明星聯盟!!